The Forsaken cards

RecompenseCommonStatus1Ethereal. Draw 1 card. Exhaust.
PlagueCurseCurseUnplayable At the end of your turn, you are inflicted with 2 Poison.
DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
PenitenceBasicSkill2Gain 10 (13) Block. Your next attack deals 3 (5) bonus Damage.
SmiteBasicAttack2Deal 12 (16) Damage. Gain 2 (3) Regen.
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) Damage.
BacklashCommonSkill1Whenever you are attacked this turn, deal 5 (7) Damage back.
Charge AttackCommonAttack6 (5)Deal 9 Damage 2 times. Costs 1 less for each unplayed card in your discard pile.
Creeping InfectionCommonSkill1 (0)Reduce your Poison by 3 (4) and heal the same amount. theforsaken:Unplayed: Apply 3 (4) Poison to ALL enemies AND yourself, and add a copy to your draw pile.
EulogyCommonSkill0(WORDS) Ethereal. Apply 1 (2) Vulnerable to ALL enemies. theforsaken:Unplayed: Your next attack deals 3 bonus Damage.
Fat RollCommonSkill1Gain 6 (8) Block. theforsaken:Unplayed: Draw an additional card next turn.
Fury StrikesCommonAttack2 (1)Deal 5 Damage 3 times.
Horrifying StrikeCommonAttack1Deal 15 (20) Damage. Inflict 2 theforsaken:Fear on yourself.
Hymn of PatienceCommonSkill1Next turn, gain 1 (2) [E] and draw 1 (2) additional card.
Noble SacrificeCommonSkill0Exhaust a card. Draw as many cards as its cost (+ 1).
Panic DiveCommonSkill1Gain 12 (15) Block. Shuffle 3 dazed into your discard pile.
ParryCommonSkill0Gain 4 (6) Block. Add a copy to your discard pile.
Power UpCommonSkill1Your next attack deals 3 (5) bonus Damage.
PreservationCommonSkill1When you gain Block this turn, gain Block next turn as well. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Quick AttackCommonAttack0Deal 4 (6) Damage. Draw 1 card. Innate.
Raining SunlightCommonAttack1Deal 6 (9) Damage to all enemies. theforsaken:Unplayed: Your next attack deals 3 (4) bonus Damage.
Scorching SunlightCommonAttack1Deal 4 (5) Damage to all enemies 2 times. Shuffle a burn into your discard pile.
Shield BashCommonAttack1Gain 2 Block. Deal 2 Damage. Increase the power of ALL Shield Bash cards by 1 (2) this combat.
Shield ChargeCommonAttack0Deal 5 (7) Damage. theforsaken:Unplayed: gain 3 (4) Block next turn.
Store UpCommonSkill0Choose a card. Add 1 (2) copy (copies) to your discard pile.
ThunderboltCommonAttack1Deal 5 (7) Damage. Also targets 1 random enemy.
Ancient WordsUncommonPower1(WORDS) Gain 2 (3) artifact.
Battle HymnUncommonAttackUnplayable Deal 15 (20) Damage to a random enemy at the end of turn. Reduce by 1/3 (1/4) for each card played.
Binding ThornsUncommonSkill1Whenever the target attacks, it takes 4 (6) Damage. The Damage is reduced by 1 with each attack.
Blessed WeaponUncommonSkill2Your next (!M!) attack(s) deals (deal) 50% more Damage.
Blight of FamineUncommonSkill1 (0)Transfer your Vulnerable and Weak to an enemy. theforsaken:Unplayed: Apply 3 (5) Vulnerable and Weak to ALL enemies AND yourself.
Blind FaithUncommonSkill1 (0)Discard your hand. Draw 8 (10) cards. You retain your hand for 2 turns, but cannot draw cards for 2 turns.
BolsterUncommonPower1The first attack each turn applies 1 Weak and gains 3 Block.(Innate)
Bottled PlagueUncommonSkill2 (1)Remove all your Poison. Receive a Poison Potion.
Bountiful SunlightUncommonSkill2Gain 4 (6) Regen. Exhaust.
Cleansing LightUncommonSkill1Ethereal. Gain 8 (11) Block. Remove theforsaken:Fear, Poison, and Vulnerable.
Corrupted WordUncommonSkill1(WORDS) Transfer your Poison to a random enemy. theforsaken:Unplayed: Apply 8 (6) Poison to (yourself, and 2x to) ALL enemies AND yourself (not AND yourself).
Coward's BrandUncommonAttack2Deal 18 (24) Damage. If the target has theforsaken:Fear, the Damage is doubled.
Dark BargainUncommonPower0Each turn, gain [E] and shuffle a theforsaken:recompense into your discard pile.(Innate)
Dark BarrierUncommonSkillXPrevent the next X (+ 1) times you would lose HP. Inflict X (- 1) Frail on yourself. Exhaust.
Defensive StanceUncommonPower1Gain 5 (7) Plated Armor.
DevotionUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. Choose a card to put on top of your draw pile. Upgrade it.
EnfeebleUncommonAttack2Deal 2 Damage 6 times. The target loses 4 (8) Strength this turn. Exhaust.
Healing LightUncommonSkill1Heal 1 (2) HP for each unplayed card in your discard pile. (Discarded 0 unplayed cards) Exhaust.
Hymn of RestUncommonSkillUnplayable. Retain half your block next (for 2) turn(s). If you play 3 cards or fewer, retain all your block instead.
Inspiring BlowUncommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) Damage. If this kills an enemy gain 3 (6) Block each turn.
Light RollUncommonSkill1Gain 3 (5) Block, apply 1 Weak. Add a copy to your hand. Exhaust.
Magic WeaponUncommonPower1Each turn, gain 2 (3) bonus Damage for your next attack.
Precise StrikeUncommonAttack1Deal 4 (6) Damage, apply 1 Vulnerable. Add a copy to your hand. Exhaust.
RiposteUncommonPower2 (1)When your Block is broken, your next attack deals 50% more Damage.
Siphon StrikeUncommonAttack2Deal 14 (18) Damage. If this kills the target, heal 5 HP.
Solar FlareUncommonAttack3Deal 27 (32) Damage to ALL enemies. Lose 2 Strength.
Spin AttackUncommonAttack1Deal 6 Damage to a random enemy. Repeat for every 3 (2) Dexterity.
TerrorizeUncommonSkill2Apply 1 (2) theforsaken:Fear. Exhaust.
TranquilityUncommonSkill2 (1)Reduce target Strength by 1. Return half each turn. Permanently increase by 1. Exhaust.
Warding HymnUncommonSkillUnplayable Gain 12 (16) Block at the end of turn. Reduce by 1/3 (1/4) for each card played.
Word of PowerUncommonAttack2(WORDS) Deal 5 Damage. Increase by 3 (5) for each "Words" card in your deck.
Words of MightUncommonPower1(WORDS) Whenever you play a skill, your next attack does 1 (2) bonus Damage.
Words of PestilenceUncommonAttack0(WORDS) Deal 13 (17) Damage to ALL enemies and 8 (5) to yourself.
Wrath of GodUncommonAttackXDeal 3 (5) Damage and gain 3 (5) Block X times. Can be upgraded any number of times.
ConfusionRareAttack1If the target intends to attack, deal its Damage to a random enemy 3 times. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Corrupt DeckRarePower2Draw 2 more cards each turn. You can play only 3 (4) cards each turn.
Corrupted FormRarePower3Reduce Damage taken by one third (half). Convert all HP lost to Poison.
Dark RiftRareAttack1Deal 10 (15) Damage to ALL enemies AND yourself. Next turn, heal each twice as much.
Desperate PleaRarePower3(WORDS) Remove all debuffs. Gain 4 (6) Strength. If you are below 1/2 hp, Gain [E] [E].
Divine GuidanceRareSkill0Choose ANY card. Add a copy to your discard (draw) pile. Exhaust.
Fountain of LifeRarePower3At the end of battle, increase your Max HP by 2 (3).
HorrorRareSkillXApply X (+ 1) theforsaken:Fear on an enemy. You cannot gain Block for 3 (2) turns. Exhaust.
MantraRareSkill2(WORDS) The first card you play next turn is repeated 1 (2) time(s).
PrudenceRarePower1At the end of each turn, gain 2 (3) Block for each card left in your hand.
PurificationRareAttack3Deal 30 (39) Damage. Transfer your debuffs to the target.
RetributionRareSkill2Ethereal. Reflect all incoming Damage this turn. theforsaken:Unplayed: Reflect 5 (7) Damage when attacked.
Sacred OathRareSkill1(WORDS) Double (Triple) your Strength and Dexterity. Exhaust.
Sacrifice SoulRareAttack1 (0)Sacrifice all your buffs, dealing 10 (15) Damage, + 3 (5) for each buff to ALL enemies. ( 10 (15) Damage) Exhaust.
Spreading PlagueRarePower1Whenever you are attacked, inflict 2 (3) Poison on the attacker.
Tears of SunlightRarePower2Gain 1 (2) Regen each turn. Lose 3 (2) Dexterity.
TemperanceRareAttack2Deal 6 Damage. Damage is increased by 3 (4) for each unplayed card in your discard pile. theforsaken:Unplayed: Shuffle this card into your draw pile.

The Forsaken relics

Judgement ScalesStarterForsaken_gold_colorEach turn, gain Strength / Dexterity based on played cards. (Gain 1Strength if you've played no attacks, and 1Dexterity if you've played no skills.)Seek balance in all things.
GavelCommonWhenever you play 3 skills in a turn, gain 5 bonus damage.Figuratively renders judgement. Literally renders unconscious.
LifeblossomCommonAt the beginning of each battle, gain 3 regen.This rare flower grows only in a hidden garden in a legendary forest.
Humble EggUncommonWhenever you add a Common card into your deck, Upgrade it. When you first draw a common card each turn, draw an extra card.It's just an egg.
Scary MaskUncommonThe first attack played each combat inflicts 1FearCreated to terrify the Spire's weaker denizens.
KindlingRareWhenever you rest at a rest site, increase your Max HP by 5.Brighter flames seem to fend off the encroaching dark.
Plague MaskSpecialForsaken_gold_colorWhenever you are inflicted with poison, apply it to a random enemy also.It was believed these masks could prevent disease, but they only seem to spread it.
Armor of ThornsBossForsaken_gold_colorWhenever you gain Block, deal 3 damage to all enemies.It may be good for battle, but it also prevents hugs :(
Pale LanternBossGain [E] at the start of your turn. Draw 1 less card each turn.Provides a comforting glow in the dark.
Scales of TruthBossForsaken_gold_colorReplaces JudgementScales. For every 3 unplayed skills, gain 1 dexterity. For every 3 unplayed attacks, gain 1 strength.It is said that if one's heart is light as a feather, the Truth will be understood.

The Forsaken potions

Terror PotionUncommonApply 1 Fear to an enemy.

The Forsaken keywords

theforsaken:FearDamage dealt is reduced to 1.
Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest is to match keywords like the single word keyword.
theforsaken:RecompenseRecompense are status cards that cost 1 and draw a card.
theforsaken:UnplayedThis effect is triggered if the card remains in your hand at the end of turn.
theforsaken:keywordWhenever you play a card, gain 1 dexterity this turn only.

The Forsaken creatures

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